Telephone143 Dial the phone number, then press {C}or {s}.Note:L Pressing @ 1 time creates 1 pause.Press @ repeatedly to create longerpauses. To change pause length, seepage 29.Recording a telephone conversation(KX-TCD580 only)You can record your conversation while onan outside call.Important:L Before recording a conversation, youshould inform the other party that theconversation will be recorded.1 Press * (centre of joystick) during aconversation.2 Press ,.L A beep is heard and recording starts.L A beep sounds every 15 seconds andcan be heard by the other party, but isnot recorded.3 To stop recording, press Z.Note:L All persons using this device for recordingtelephone conversations shall complywith New Zealand law. This requires thatat least one party to the conversation is tobe aware that it is being recorded. Inaddition, the principles enumerated in thePrivacy Act 1993 shall be complied with inrespect to the nature of the personalinformation collected, the purpose for itscollection, how it is used and what isdisclosed to any other party.L Recorded conversations are treated asnew messages.L To listen to the recorded conversation, seepage 36.L If message memory becomes full, “Full”is displayed and recording stops. Eraseunnecessary messages (page 36).Answering calls1 Lift the handset and press {C} or {s}when the unit rings.L You can also answer a call by pressingany dial key from {0} to {9}, {*}, {#},or {INT}. (Any key talk feature)2 When finished talking, press {ih} orplace the handset on the charger.Vibration featureWhen this feature is turned on (page 23), thehandset will vibrate to indicate an incomingcall.Auto talk featureYou can answer calls simply by lifting thehandset off the charger. You do not need topress {C}. To turn this feature on, seepage 26.To turn the handset ringer off temporarilyWhen an outside call comes in, press Bor {ih}.Note:L This feature will not work for intercom callsor when the handset is on the charger.Handset locatorUsing this feature, you can locate thehandset if it has been misplaced.1 Press {x} on the top of the base unit.L The base unit will page the handsetfor about 1 minute.L If the vibration feature is turned on(page 23), the handset will vibrate toindicate an incoming page.2 To stop paging, press {x} on the baseunit or press {ih} on the handset.