Dialled Number Corresponding RoutingPlan Table No. Description039-654-321 1 "039" is found in location 0001 and the Inter-digittime expired before the seventh digit is received.The Routing Plan Table 1 is selected after theInter-digit time expired.® 4.5 [2-3] Timers & Counters—Dial / IRNA /Recall / Tone— Dial—Extension Inter-digit038 4 "03" is found in two locations (locations 0001 and0002), so the PBX waits for the next digit "8"."038" is not found in any location, then"03" (location 0002) is selected. The Routing PlanTable 4 is selected.4. Routing Plan Table4 AssignmentArrange the time schedule as desired and store the carrier priority.Time Table5As the best carrier may vary with the day of the week and the time of day, four time blocks (Time-A throughD) can be programmed for each day of the week.® 10.4 [8-3] Routing Plan Time—Time Setting® [330] ARS Routing Plan Time TableCarrier Priority6Assign the appropriate carrier (refer to "5. Carrier Table7 Assignment") and their priority in each timeblock. The carrier is selected in the entry order (the order in which entries are listed).® 10.5 [8-4] Routing Plan Priority® [331–346] ARS Routing Plan Table (1–16) (KX-TDE100/KX-TDE200 only)ARS Routing Plan Table9:0012:0015:0021:00:9:0012:0015:0021:001 (A telecom)1 (A telecom)1 (A telecom)3 (C telecom):3 (C telecom)3 (C telecom)3 (C telecom)3 (C telecom)Time-ATime-BTime-CTime-D:Time-ATime-BTime-CTime-DSUN:SATTime TableRouting Plan Table 1CarrierPriority 1 Priority 2 ...5 64 (D telecom)2 (B telecom)2 (B telecom)1 (A telecom):2 (B telecom)1 (A telecom)1 (A telecom)2 (B telecom)...........................ARS Leading Number Table0001:LocationNo.Routing PlanTable No.1:LeadingNo.03:Additional(Remain)No. of Digits8:345. Carrier Table7 AssignmentA specified number of carriers can be programmed. Assign the following items for each Carrier Table:® 10.6 [8-5] Carrier—CarrierCarrier Name8 : Assign the carrier name.® 10.6 [8-5] Carrier—Carrier— Carrier Name® [350] ARS Carrier Name144 Feature Guide1.10.1 Automatic Route Selection (ARS)