Light Pattern PDN Button Status SDN Button StatusGreen on The extension is on a call using the PDNbutton.The extension is on a call using the SDNbutton.Slow greenflashingA call is on hold using the PDN button. A call is on hold using the SDN button.Moderategreenflashing• A call on a PDN button is onExclusive Call Hold or consultationhold.• The PDN extension is adding amember to a conference or using theline for an Unattended Conference,on a PDN button.• A call answered using the SDN buttonis on Exclusive Call Hold or consultationhold.• The SDN extension is adding a memberto a conference, or using the line for anUnattended Conference.Rapid greenflashingAn incoming call is arriving at thisextension.Receiving Hold Recall or automatic callbackringing from a call answered using the SDNbutton.Red on A corresponding SDN extension is:• on a call.• holding the line using Exclusive CallHold or consultation hold.• adding a member to a conference.• using the line for an UnattendedConference.• receiving Hold Recall or automaticcallback ringing.The corresponding PDN extension oranother corresponding SDN extension is:• on a call.• holding the line using Exclusive CallHold or consultation hold.• adding a member to a conference.• using the line for an UnattendedConference.• receiving an incoming call directed onlyto the PDN extension (e.g., callbackringing).Slow redflashingA call is on hold by a corresponding SDNextension.A call is on hold by the corresponding PDNextension or another corresponding SDNextension.Rapid redflashingA call is arriving at an Incoming CallDistribution (ICD) group in RingDistribution method that this extension isa member of.The corresponding PDN extension isreceiving an incoming call.When multiple calls are on a PDN extension, the LED pattern that appears on the corresponding SDN buttonsis displayed according to the following priority:Receiving an incoming call ® holding a call ® on a call ® idleFor example, if a PDN extension receives an incoming call while on a call, the LEDs on the correspondingSDN extensions will show the incoming call.However, if an SDN extension is handling a call using the SDN button (e.g., on a call, has a call on hold, etc.),the status of that call will be displayed on the SDN button, regardless of the call status of the PDN extension.Example of a Secretary Handling Calls for Multiple BossesThe following example shows the LED patterns of the PDN and SDN buttons of each extension and how callscan be handled.Feature Guide 1131.7.1 Primary Directory Number (PDN)/Secondary Directory Number (SDN) Extension