Panasonic Eco Solutions Nordic ABMEW01622 Rev: - EBL128 Planning Instructions V2.0.x12115 Advanced modeThe latest generation of detectors are the following: Conventional photoelectric smoke detector 4452 Analog photoelectric smoke detector 4401 Analog multi detector 4400NOTE! NOTE! NOTE! NOTE! NOTE! NOTE! NOTE!The analog detectors 4401 and 4400 can via the address setting tool4414 be set in different modes. In this chapter is only the Advancedmode described. The detectors are factory set to the NORMALmode, see chapters "COM loop units", page 32 and "Functions /Services / Features", page 93. The analog detectors 4401 and 4400 inNORMAL mode will function as and replace the analog detectors4301 and 4300 in NORMAL mode respectively. (The analogdetectors 4301 and 4300 cannot use the Advanced mode.)The Advanced mode can be set with the address setting tool 4414only. Not with the address setting tool 3314.The conventional detector 4452 uses some of the advanced modefunctions, see the function respectively below in this chapter.Artificial Intelligence (AI function) uses combined smoke and heatsensing for the fire judgement, as well as variable sensitivity and timedelay based on the smoke and temperature changes just before thealarm level is reached. This will secure the real fire alarms and reducethe not wanted false (nuisance) alarms with up to 46 %.The AI function is depending on if the detector is a photoelectricsmoke detector (4452 / 4401) or a multi detector (4400):Combined heat and smoke sensing will guarantee reliable andaccurate fire alarm detection, e.g. by shortening the delay timeand/or raise the sensitivity (i.e. lower the alarm threshold level).Variable delay time. The delay time is influenced by thetemporary temperature and/or smoke obscuration changes justbefore and after the alarm threshold level was passed. Thedelay time before a fire alarm is activated can be shortened upto 50 % (e.g. from 20 to 10 sec.), or the delay time can be