Chapter 1 - Quick StartPage 1-2 961 Operations and Reference Manual Rev. DWelcomeOverview Congratulations on your purchase of the Northstar 961X or961XD Color GPS/Raster Charting System. The 961 is ahigh-performance, easy-to-use, full-featured GPS chart naviga-tor that meets your marine navigation needs in a comprehen-sive and logical manner. Wherever you are, the 961 helpsguide you effortlessly to your next location. The 961X uses aninternal, high-performance GPS receiver as its primary sourceof position data. Your vessel’s position, course-over-ground(COG), and speed-over-ground (SOG) are calculated directlyfrom the received satellite data, as well as the time, date, andan estimate of the 961’s accuracy. For enhanced accuracy, theNorthstar 961XD combines GPS navigation with DGPS capabil-ity using an internal, fully automatic differential receiver. TheNorthstar 961X also can be interfaced with other equipment;for details about interfacing the 961, see the Northstar 961GPS Chart Navigator Installation Manual.Both the 961X and the 961XD have an internal hard driveinside their processors, and a CD-ROM drive for installing soft-ware updates and charts from different chart CDs onto thishard drive. The hard drive stores 1000 routes and 2000 way-points, and enough chart data to cover an entire coastline.Using either BSB charts (Maptech or NDI’s ChartKit/ChartPackcharts) or the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office’s (UKHO)Admiralty Raster Chart Service (ARCS) charts, the 961 can pro-vide you with truly worldwide chart coverage. With its largecolor screen, the Northstar 961 offers a 10.4-inch diagonalchart display, an intuitive graphical user interface, advancedsteering screens, graphical display of tides and currents, andeasy management of waypoints, routes, tracks, and avoidancepoints. The 961 offers high-definition, high-speed CHARTscreens; loran compatibility; tide data up to the year 2099; acurrents overlay, and many other navigation functions. For alist of the 961’s major features, see ”System overview” startingon page 2-2. For a list of 961 specifications, see ”961 Featuresand Specifications” starting on page A-1.The 961 anticipates your most common requests: Accessingmost functions requires pushing only one or two buttons. Byreducing the time and attention required to navigate, you can