Chapter 12 - Alarms, TideTrack, Currents, and Echo Sounding961/962 Operations and Reference Manual, Rev. A Page 12-11ALARMS screen has two keys—LOUDER and SOFTER—thatyou press to raise or lower the audio volume.To adjust the alarm audio, press the STAR key until you reachthe ALARMS screen:• When you press the LOUDER key, you raise thethermometer-style audio indicator, as well as the alarmaudio itself, to the next level. While you press and holdthe LOUDER key, a tone sounds to provide a sample ofthe new volume setting.• When you press the SOFTER key, you lower thethermometer-style audio indicator, as well as the alarmaudio itself, to the next level. While you press and holdthe SOFTER key, a tone sounds to provide a sample of thenew volume setting. To turn off the alarm audio, press theSOFTER key until you reach the OFF setting.Understanding the TideTrack functionWhat is TideTrack? The TideTrack function calculates and selects tide informationfor any of over 3,000 NOS/NOAA tide stations. TideTrackcovers the entire U.S. coastline, including Alaska and Hawaii,plus many Caribbean islands and western Canada. You candisplay tides up to the year 2099. The data is from the officialtide-table predictions, and should be as accurate as the printedtables. For more information about the printed tables, refer toTide Tables published by the NOS/NOAA, Rockville, Maryland20852.With TideTrack, you can display tide-station information righton the CHART screen. When you select a tide station that’seither near your vessel or somewhere else on the CHARTscreen, a tide graph displays the tide height during any24-hour period.