Chapter 10 - Waypoint and Route NavigationPage 10-20 961/962 Operations and Reference Manual, Rev. AFigure 5: Restarting the desired trackWhenever you want to steer directly from an off-courseposition to a waypoint, press the RESTART HERE key, and thedesired track will be recalculated to extend from your presentposition directly to the next waypoint, resetting your XTE tozero. You can restart the desired track at the 3-D STEERscreen, the traditional STEER screen, the CHART screen, andthe TRIP screen.Restarting from thesteering screensAt the 3-D STEER screen or the traditional STEER screen,press the RESTART HERE key, then press the CONFIRM key.Your present position becomes your new “from” point; XTEbecomes zero, and the STEER screen appears.Restarting from thechart screenAt the CHART screen, first press the GO TO key. At the GO TOCOORDINATES dialog box, press the RESTART HERE key.Your present position becomes your new “from” point; XTEbecomes zero, and the CHART screen appears.Restarting from thetrip screenAt the TRIP screen, highlight the active trip waypoint. Pressthe GO TO SELECTION key, then press the YES, RESTARTHERE key. A point at your present position is inserted into thetrip. Your present position becomes your new “from” point,XTE becomes zero, and the STEER screen appears.