Chapter 6 - Creating WaypointsPage 6-12 961/962 Operations and Reference Manual, Rev. ANOTE:If you use the default waypoint name, this type of new waypoint isautomatically named sequentially, such as *SAVED01*,*SAVED02* , and so on. The word SAVED designates a savedwaypoint, and the number increases by one each time you save thistype of waypoint. The saved waypoints’ numbering reverts back to*SAVED00* when you reach the limit you set using the SAVEWPTS function at the DISPLAY SETUP screen (to choose howmany *SAVEDXX* waypoints are retained before they’reautomatically recycled, press the STAR key until you reach theSETUP screen, then press the DISPLAY SETUP key). At thislimit, the old waypoint with this same name will be overwritten. (Thiswrap-around feature keeps the waypoint list from getting filled with*SAVEDXX* waypoints.) If the old waypoint was in the trip or in aroute, its coordinates will be kept there as an unnamed waypoint.NOTE:If you marked a specific route on the ROUTES screen to acceptSAVE keypresses and then press the SAVE key, the point isautomatically saved in this route (the timed VESSEL POSITIONdialog box automatically disappears after nine seconds unless youpress any menu key). With this feature, you can save a sequence ofwaypoints in a route—with only one keypress for each newwaypoint. As long as the VESSEL POSITION dialog box is up,you can press the SAVE key again and again to save points in theroute, rather than waiting for the nine-second countdown.Creating a newwaypoint at thewaypoints screen(enteringcoordinates)To add a new waypoint at the WAYPOINTS screen:1. At the WAYPOINTS screen, press the NEW WAYPT key.A blank line is created just above the currently selectedwaypoint, and the flashing cursor goes to the NAME field.Your present position, if known, is already inserted intothe LATITUDE and LONGITUDE fields (or GRI, TD#1 andTD#2, if displayed).2. Use the KEYPAD to enter a name for the new waypoint,which must be unique.3. Press the CURSOR PAD left or right to move to the otherfields—SYMBOL, DISTANCE, BRG, and LATITUDE andLONGITUDE or GRI, TD#1 and TD#2, using the KEYPADto change the values. Enter coordinates as either distanceand bearing from your present position, or else as latitude