124MVR NameModeTaggingPriorityLLQIInterface ChannelSettingMVR Name is an optional attribute toindicate the name of the specific MVRVLAN. Maximum length of the MVRVLAN Name string is 32. MVR VLANName can only contain alphabets ornumbers. When the optional MVR VLANname is given, it should contain at leastone alphabet. MVR VLAN name can beedited for the existing MVR VLAN entriesor it can be added to the new enteries.Specify the MVR mode of operation. InDynamic mode, MVR allows dynamicMVR membership reports on sourceports. In Compatible mode, MVRmemership reports are forbidden onsource ports. The default is Dynamicmode.Specify whether the traversed IGMP/MLDcontrol frames will be sent as Untaggedor Tagged with MVR VID. The default isTagged.Specify how the traversed IGmP/mldcontrol frames will be sent in prioritizedmanner. The default Priority is 0.Define the maximum time to wait forIGMP/MLD report memberships on areceiver port before removing the portfrom multicast group membership. Thevalue is in units of tenths of a seconds.The range is from 0 to 31744. The defaultLLQI is 5 tenths or one-half second.When the MVR VLAN is created, click theEdit symbol to expand the correspondingmulticast channel settings for the specificMVR VLAN. Summary about theInterface Channel Setting(of the MVRVLAN) will be shown besides the Edit