24064~127 The total number of packet( including badpackets) received that were between 65 to 127octets in length.128~255 The total number of packet( including badpackets) received that were between 128 to255 octets in length.256~511 The total number of packet( including badpackets) received that were between 256 to511 octets in length.512~1023 The total number of packet( including badpackets) received that were between 512 to1023 octets in length.1024~1588 The total number of packet( including badpackets) received that were between 1024 to1588 octets in length.WEB InterfaceA. Click Monitor/Security/Switch/RMON/StatisticsB. It will show up the StatisticsC. Check “Auto-refresh” to auto-refresh the page.Figure.Security/Switch/RMON/HistoryThis page provides an overview of RMON History entries.LOCATION:▼ Monitor▼ Security▼ Switch▼ RMON■ History