162VCL/IP Subnet-based VLANThe IP subnet-based VLAN entries can be configured here.This page allows for adding, updating and deleting IPsubnet-based VLAN entries and assigning the entries todifferent ports. This page shows only static entriesLOCATION:▼ Configuration▼ VCL■ IP Subnet-based VLANPARAMETERS:Items DescriptionDelete To delete a IP subnet-based VLAN entry,check this box and press save. The entry willbe deleted in the stack.VCE ID Indicates the index of the entry. It is usersconfigurable. It’s value ranges from 0-128. If aVCD ID is 0, application will auto-generatethe VCE ID for that entry. Deletion and lookupof IP subnet-based VLAN are based on VCEIDIP Address Indicates the IP AddressMask Length Indicates the network mask lengthVLAN ID Indicates the VLAN ID. VLAN ID can bechanged for the existing entriesPort Members A row of check boxes for each port isdisplayed for each IP subnet-based VLANentry. To include a port in a IP subnet-basedVLAN, check the box. To remove or excludethe port from the IP subnet-based VLAN,make sure the box is unchecked. By default,no ports are members, and all boxes areunchecked.