123MVRUsing the MVR configuration page to enable Multicast trafficforwarding on the Multicast VLANs. In a multicast televisionapplication, a PC or a network television or a set-top boxcan receive the multicast stream. Multiple set-top boxes orPCs can be connected to one subscriber port, which is aswitch port configured as an MVR receiver port. When asubscriber selects a channel, the set-top box or PC sendsan IGMP/MLD report message to Switch A to join theappropriate multicast group address. Uplink ports that sendand receive multicast VLAn are called MVR source ports. Itallowed to create at maximum 8 MVR VLANs withcorresponding channel settings for each Multicast VLAN.There will be totally at maximum 256 group addresses forchannel settings.LOCATION:▼ Configuration■ MVRPARAMETERS:Items DescriptionMVR Mode Enable/Disable the Global MVR.The Unregistered Flooding controldepends on the current configuration inIGMP/MLD snoopingIt is suggested to enable UnregisteredFlooding control when the MVR grouptable is fullDeleteMVR VIDCheck the delete the entry. Thedesignated entry will be deleted duringthe next saveSpecify the Multicast VLAN IDBe Caution: MVR source ports are notrecommended to be overlapped withmanagement VLAN ports