216DHCP/Relay StatisticsThis page provides statistics for DHCP relay.LOCATION:▼ Monitor▼ DHCP■ Relay StatisticsPARAMETERS:Items DescriptionServer StatisticsTransmit to Server The number of packets that are relayedfrom client to server.Transmit Error The number of packets that resulted inerrors while being sent to clients.Receive fromServerThe number of packets received fromserver.Receive MissingAgent OptionThe number of packets received withoutagent information options.Receive MissingCircuit IDThe number of packets received with theCircuit ID option missing.Receive MissingRemote IDThe number of packets received with theRemote ID option missing.Receive BadCircuit IDThe number of packets whose Circuit IDoption did not match known circuit ID.Receive Badremote IDThe number of packets whose Remote IDoption did not match known Remote ID.Client StatisticsTransmit to Client The number of relayed packets fromserver to client.Transmit Error The number of packets that resulted inerror while being sent to servers.Receive fromClientThe number of received packets fromserver.Receive AgentOptionThe number of received packets withrelay agent information option.