3.10 Checking the Machine Status 33-31Before Making Copies or Faxing Chapter 33.10 Checking the Machine StatusThe total number of pages printed and scanned since this machine was installedcan be checked.Menu Item DescriptionTOTAL PAGE TOTAL COUNT Displays the total number of pages printed sincethis machine was installed.TOTAL SCAN Displays the total number of pages scannedsince this machine was installed.However, the scanned number of pages in copyare not included.TX PAGES Displays the total number of pages faxed sincethis machine was installed.RX PAGES Displays the total number of pages receivedsince this machine was installed.TX/RX RESULT TX RESULT REPORT Displays the transmission result report.RX RESULT REPORT Displays the reception result report.PRINT REPORT TX RESULT REPORT Prints the transmission result report.RX RESULT REPORT Prints the reception result report.ACTIVITY REPORT Prints the transmission/reception result report.MEMORY DATA LIST Prints the list of documents stored in thememory.MEMORY IMAGE PRINT Prints the reduced image of the first page of thedocument stored in the memory.ONE-TOUCH LIST Prints the recipients programmed in the one-touch dial keys.SPEED DIAL LIST Prints the recipients programmed for the speeddial numbers.KEY SETTING LIST Prints the settings specified for one-touch dialkeys.MACHINE STATUS Prints the current machine status.CONFIGRATION PAGE Prints the current machine configuration.RELAY BOX LIST* Only for NEFAX691Prints the Relay Box list