Makita DUS054 Instruction Manual
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17 E n g l is hCaution • D o not overturn c oc k ex c eeding 180o. 'isSerse ori¿ce Pa\ Ereak.•Do not touc h noz z le lever by mistake w hen resting noz z le on noz z le stand to avoiderroneous spraying.•Do not leave leftover c hemic al inside tank for a long period of time.This w ould damage parts and shorten life of produc t.SprayingWARN IN G ! Never set the unit on the ground during use. Avoid the mac hine and battery from getting w et atall times. D o not spray near or direc tly at the unit.1. Aim the sprayer noz z le direc tly at the plants or objec ts you w ish to spray.2. Never point the spray end of the w and at yourself or others.3. Be aw are of splash bac k, stand far enough from the objec t being sprayed to prevent the spray splashing bac k onto you.4. Never spray in the direc tion of people or animals; alw ays spray dow nw ind.5. Avoid spraying on w indy days. Spray c an be ac c identally blow n onto plants or objec ts that should not be sprayed.MAIN TEN AN C E AN D C LEAN IN GCAUTION :AlZa\s Ee sure tKat tKe PacKine is sZitcKed oႇ and tKe Eatter\ cartridge is rePoved EeIore attePSting to SerIorPinspec tion or maintenanc e.To maintain produc t SAF ETY and R ELIABILITY, repairs, any other maintenanc e or adjustment should be performedby M akita Authoriz ed or F ac tory Servic e C enters, alw ays using M akita replac ement parts.MAIN TEN AN C EWARN IN G ! To avoid serious personal injury, alw ays remove the battery pac k from the mac hine w hencleaning or performing any maintenanc e.WARN IN G ! Alw ays w ear eye protec tion w ith side shields or goggles marked to c omply w ith ANSI Z 87.1.)ailure to do so could result in fluids entering \our e\es resulting in SossiEle serious inMur\.WARN IN G ! W hen servic ing, use only identic al replac ement parts. U se of any other parts may c reate ahaz ard or c ause produc t damage.WARN IN G ! 'o not at an\ tiPe let Erake fluids gasoline Senetrating oils etc. coPe in contact ZitKplastic parts. C hemic als c an damage, w eaken, or destroy plastic w hic h may result in serious personalinjury.NOTIC E: P eriodic ally inspec t the entire produc t for damaged, missing, or loose parts suc h as sc rew s,nuts, bolts, c aps, etc . Tighten sec urely all fasteners and c aps and do not operate this produc t until allPissing or daPaged Sarts are reSlaced. 3lease contact custoPer service or a Tuali¿ed service center Iorassistanc e.NOTIC E:Never use gasoline, benz ine, thinner, alc ohol or the like. D isc oloration, deformation or c rac ks may result.GEN ERAL MAIN TEN AN C E: Avoid using solvents w hen c leaning plastic parts. M ost plastic s are susc eptible todamage from various types of c ommerc ial solvents and may be damaged by their use. U se c lean c lothes to removedirt, dust, oil, grease, etc .CLEAN IN G THE UN ITWARN IN G ! Alw ays store and dispose of c hemic als properly. D isposal of c ontaminated rinse w atershould be performed ac c ording to loc al ordinanc es and by law s. |
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