Moto G (4th Generation)Level 2 – Service and Repair ManualMotorola Mobility Confidential Restricted:PAGE 49 Do not share without consent from MotorolaPCB Cleaning1. Use the Blackstick and ISP Alcohol to removeany remaining adhesive from where theThermal Spreader and Copper Tape attach tothe PCB over the Display Flex BtB Connector.2. Use the Blackstick and ISP Alcohol to removeany remaining adhesive from where theKapton Tape attaches to the PCB Shield overthe Battery Wires.3. Use the Blackstick and ISP Alcohol to removeany remaining adhesive from where theBattery Wire Block attaches to the PCB.4. Use the Blackstick and ISP Alcohol to removeany remaining adhesive from where theLoudspeaker Pads attach to the PCB.