Moto G (4th Generation)Level 2 – Service and Repair ManualMotorola Mobility Confidential Restricted:PAGE 121 Do not share without consent from MotorolaFingerprint Sensor Flex AssemblyDescription Reference #MDL,MDL,5.46 FHD DISP LENS ASSY BLK NONMDL,MDL,5.46 FHD DISP LENS ASSY WHT NONASSY,WHITE,LENS DISP 5.5 FHDASSY,BLACK,LENS DISP 5.5 FHD1.1ASSY,FLXCKT,FINGER PRINT SENSOR,NATURALASSY,FLXCKT,FINGER PRINT SENSOR,LUNAR GR1.11NOTEThe Fingerprint Sensor is only available on the16 MP model.1. Remove the adhesive liner from theFingerprint Sensor Flex.2. Place the Fingerprint Sensor Flex on theDisplay, oriented as shown. Align the Sensorto the hole in the bottom of the Display.3. Press down on the Fingerprint Sensor for 5seconds to secure it to the Display.4. Verify the Fingerprint Sensor is flush to theDisplay.