Moto G (4th Generation)Level 2 – Service and Repair ManualMotorola Mobility Confidential Restricted:PAGE 112 Do not share without consent from MotorolaFront Housing PreparationDescription Reference #ASSY,HSG,FRNT,WHTASSY,HSG,FRNT1.3DIE CUT,ADHES,DISP FLEX,GROUNDING CPSA-T 1.7DIE CUT,ADHES,DISP FLX TO FRNT HSG CHAS 1.8DIE CUT,ADHES,DISP FLX GNDNG CPSA-LED AR --SCRN,MIC,MESH,PRIMARY 1.9SCRN,MESH,SPEAKER 1.4SPCR --TAPE,KAPTON,FRONT,R_DFP --LBL,IMEI --TAPE,DISP FLX PROT FROM BAT WALL --1. Remove the two Ground Flex Adhesives fromtheir carriers.2. Place the Adhesives on the Front Housing inthe locations shown. Align the edge of eachAdhesive with the edge of the slot in the FrontHousing.3. Press down on the Adhesives for 5 secondsto secure them to the Front Housing.4. Remove the Microphone Mesh from thecarrier.5. Place the Microphone Mesh on the bottom ofthe Front Housing, aligning it with the etchedrecess.6. Press down on the Microphone Mesh for 5seconds to secure it to the Front Housing.