Moto G (4th Generation)Level 2 – Service and Repair ManualMotorola Mobility Confidential Restricted:PAGE 118 Do not share without consent from MotorolaDisplay Flex AssemblyDescription Reference #MDL,MDL,5.46 FHD DISP LENS ASSY BLK NONMDL,MDL,5.46 FHD DISP LENS ASSY WHT NONASSY,WHITE,LENS DISP 5.5 FHDASSY,BLACK,LENS DISP 5.5 FHD1.1DIE CUT,ADHES,DISP TOUCH DESCRETES --TAPE,DISP FLX STIFNR TAPE --1. Fold the Display Flex over onto the DisplayPad.2. Remove the Display Flex Adhesive from thecarrier.3. Place the Display Flex Adhesive on theDisplay Flex as shown. Align the adhesive tothe white marks on the Display Flex.4. Remove the remaining liner from the DisplayFlex Adhesive.5. Fold the left edge of the Display Flex over theDisplay Flex Adhesive, aligning it to the whitemarks.6. Press down on the Display Flex for 5 secondsto secure the adhesive.