FunctionsOptionsFunctionsMulti-systemmgmtOSdeploy-mentSystemconfigu-rationFirm-wareup-dates1Event-s/alertmoni-toringInven-tory/logsPow-ermgmtPowerplanningLenovo XClarity Controller √ √2 √ √4LenovoXClarityEssen-tialstoolsetOneCLI √ √ √2 √ √4Bootable MediaCreator √ √2 √4UpdateXpress √ √2Lenovo XClarity ProvisioningManager √ √ √3 √5Notes:1. Most options can be updated through the Lenovo tools. Some options, such as GPU firmware or Omni-Path firmware require the use of supplier tools.2. The server UEFI settings for option ROM must be set to Auto or UEFI to update firmware using LenovoXClarity Essentials or Lenovo XClarity Controller.3. Firmware updates are limited to Lenovo XClarity Provisioning Manager, Lenovo XClarity Controller, andUEFI updates only. Firmware updates for optional devices, such as adapters, are not supported.4. The server UEFI settings for option ROM must be set to Auto or UEFI for detailed adapter cardinformation, such as model name and firmware levels, to be displayed in Lenovo XClarity Controller orLenovo XClarity Essentials.5. Limited inventory.10 ThinkSystem SR665 V3 User Guide