4 M an agin g Micr osof t® Po cket Out look® a pp lica tio nsTasks35• Enter a contact name in the box under the navigation bar.To show all contacts again, clear text from the box or tap the button to the right ofthe box.• Tap the category list (labeled All Contacts by default) and select the type ofcontact that you want displayed.To show all contacts again, select All Contacts.To view a contact not assigned to a category, select No Categories.• To view the names of companies your contacts work for, in the command bar, tapView > By Company.The number of contacts that work for that company will be displayed to the right ofthe company name.• Tap , Find, enter the contact name, select Contacts for the type, and then tapGo.To use the Contacts summary screenWhen you tap a contact in the contact list, a summary screen is displayed. To change thecontact information, tap Edit.TasksUse Tasks to keep track of what you have to do and prioritise them based on theirimportance and urgency.To open Tasks• Tap , then Tasks.Tasks will open to the tasks list.View contact details.Tap to view notes.Tap to change contact information.