3 M an agin g app licatio ns and in for ma tio nUsing ActiveSyncTM293 Tap to start the search.To use File ExplorerUse File Explorer to locate files on your device and to organise these files into folders.• On the menu, tap Programs, and then File Explorer .Using ActiveSync TMUsing ActiveSync TM, you can synchronise information in Microsoft ® Outlook or Microsoft ®Exchange on your computer with your device. You can also synchronise this informationdirectly with a Microsoft ® Exchange server. Each time you synchronise, ActiveSyncTMcompares the changes you made on your device and computer or server and updatesboth locations with the latest information. For example:• Keep Pocket Outlook ® data up-to-date by synchronising your device withthe Microsoft ® Outlook data on your computer.• Synchronise Microsoft ® Word and Microsoft ® Excel files between yourdevice and your computer. Files are automatically converted to the correctformat.By default, ActiveSyncTM does not automatically synchronise all types of information. UseActiveSyncTM options to turn synchronisation on and off for specific information types.You can also use ActiveSync TM to:• Back up and restore data in your device.• Copy (rather than synchronise) files between your device and your computer.Tap here tostart search.Type text youwant to find.Tap the folder nameto open it.Tap and hold to createa new folder.Select the sort orderfor the list.Tap to change folders.