1 Gett ing to kno w you r ET 18 0Command interface13When the keypad module is attached to the device and is:• Flipped close - Phone is launched• Flipped open - the last active screen before Phone was launched is displayedTo lock/unlock the keypad module• To lock the keypad module, press the key combination “*” + “1”• To unlock the keypad module, press the key combination “*” + “1”; the promptmessage “Unlock?” appears on the touchscreen. Press the Send button .Command interfaceHardware buttons and the stylusYour device has hardware buttons that control actions and scroll functions, and a stylusfor selecting items and entering information.On your device, the stylus replaces the mouse.• Tap. Touch the screen once with the stylus to open items and selectoptions.• Drag. Hold the stylus on the screen and drag across the screen to selecttext and images. Drag in a list to select multiple items.• Tap and hold. Tap and hold the stylus on an item to see a list of actionsavailable for that item. On the pop-up menu that appears, tap the actionyou want to perform.Today screenWhen you turn on your device for the first time each day (or after 4 hours of inactivity),you'll see the Today screen. You can also display it by tapping and then Today. Onthe Today screen, you can see, at a glance, a list of important reminders for the day.Tap to switch toa program.Tap to adjust volume ormute all sounds.Tap to changedate and time.Your day at a glance.Tap to create anew item.Tap to view connectionstatus.Tap to turn off thephone function.