b. Power-supply cagec. Memoryd. Microprocessore. System boardIf the problem is solved when you remove an adapter from the server but the problem recurs when youreinstall the same adapter, suspect the adapter; if the problem recurs when you replace the adapter with adifferent one, suspect the system board or extender card.If you suspect a networking problem and the server passes all the system tests, suspect a network cablingproblem that is external to the server.Event logsError codes and messages are displayed in the following types of event logs:• POST event log: This log contains the three most recent error codes and messages that were generatedduring the POST.• System-event log: This log contains all the POST and system management interrupt (SMI) events.System event logThe BMC implements the system event log (SEL) as specified in the Intelligent Platform ManagementInterface Specification, Version 2.0. The SEL is accessible regardless of the system power state via theBMC's in-band and out-of-band interfaces.Diagnostic programs and messagesWhenever possible, the BIOS outputs the current boot progress codes on the video screen. Progresscodes are 32-bit quantities plus optional data. The 32-bit numbers include class, subclass, and operationinformation. The class and subclass fields point to the type of hardware being initialized. The operation fieldrepresents the specific initialization activity. Based on the data bit availability to display progress codes, aprogress code can be customized to fit the data width. The higher the data bit, the higher the granularityof information that can be sent on the progress port. The progress codes may be reported by the systemBIOS or option ROMs.The response has three types:• Minor: The message displays on the screen or on the Error Manager screen, and an error is logged to theSEL. The system continues booting in a degraded state. The user may want to replace the erroneous unit.The POST Error Pause option setting in the BIOS setup does not have any effect on this error.• Major: The message displays on the Error Manager screen, and an error is logged to the SEL. The POSTError Pause option setting in the BIOS setup determines whether the system pauses to the Error Managerfor this type of error so that the user can take immediate corrective action or the system continues booting.Note: For 0048 (Password check failed), the system will halt, and then after the next reset/reboot displaysthe error code on the Error Manager screen.• Fatal: The system halts during the POST at a blank screen with the text “Unrecoverable fatal error found.System will not boot until the error is resolved” and “Press to enter setup.” The POST Error Pauseoption setting in the BIOS setup does not have any effect with this class of error. When you press F2 onthe keyboard, the error message is displayed on the Error Manager screen, and an error is logged to theSEL with the error code. The system cannot boot unless the error is resolved. The user must replacethe faulty part and restart the system.122 ThinkServer TD230 Installation and User Guide