268 Keysight E1406A User Manual and SCPI Programing GuideKeysight E1406A Command Reference Common Command ReferenceExampleGet and Print the ID Fields from the System10 DIM A$[50] Dimension array for ID fields.20 OUTPUT 70900;"*IDN?" Query identity.30 ENTER 70900;A$ Place ID fields in array.40 PRINT A$ Print ID fields.50 END*LMC?Learn Macros Query returns a quoted string name for each currently definedmacro. If more than one macro is defined, the quoted strings are separated bycommas (,). If no macro is defined, then a quoted null string ("") is returned.*LRN?Learn Query Command causes the instrument to respond with a string of SCPIcommands which define the instrument’s current state. Your application programcan enter the *LRN? response data into a string variable, later to be sent back tothe instrument to restore that configuration.Example response from an Keysight E1326B multimeter in the power-onstate:*RST;:CAL:ZERO:AUTO 1; :CAL:LFR +60; VAL+0.00000000E+000; :DISP:MON:STAT 0; CHAN (@0); :FORM ASC,+7; :FUNC"VOLT"; :MEM:VME:ADDR +2097152; SIZE+0; STAT 0; :RES:APER +1.666667E-002; OCOM 0; RANG+1.638400E+004; RANG:AUTO 1;:VOLT:APER+1.666667E-002; RANG +8.000000E+000; RANG:AUTO 1;:TRIG:COUN +1; DEL +0.00000000E+000; DEL:AUTO 1;:TRIG:SOUR IMM; :SAMP:COUN+1; SOUR IMM;TIM+5.000000E-002 S*OPCOperation Complete causes an instrument to set bit 0 (Operation CompleteMessage) in the Standard Event Status Register when all pending operationshave been completed. By enabling this bit to be reflected in the Status ByteRegister (*ESE 1 command), you can ensure synchronization between theinstrument and an external computer or between multiple instruments.The System instrument no longer implements the *LRN?command. Attempting to have the System instrument executethis command will generate Error -113, "Undefined header".