Keysight E1406A User Manual and SCPI Programing Guide 153DIAGnostic Subsystem Keysight E1406A Command Reference:DOWNload:CHECked[:MADDress]DIAGnostic:DOWNload:CHECked[:MADDress] , writes datainto a non-volatile user RAM segment starting at address using error correction.The user RAM segment is allocated by the DIAG:NRAM:CREate orDIAG:DRAM:CREate command.ParametersComments– This command is typically used to send a block of data to a block of userRAM. It is the only way to send binary data to multiple addresses over aserial (RS232C) line.– CAUTION: Be certain that all of the data you download will be containedentirely within the allocated NRAM segment. Writing data outside of theNRAM segment will disrupt the operation of the command module. Mostcomputers terminate an OUTPUT, PRINT, or WRITE statement with acarriage return or carriage return and line feed. These End-Of-Linecharacters must be either accounted for (NRAM segment sized toaccommodate them), or suppressed using an appropriate IMAGE orFORMAT statement. Listed below are some helpful methods:-- Size the NRAM segment a little larger than the expected data block.-- Control the End-Of-Line characters with format statements.-- Use the Definite Length Arbitrary Block Program Data format to sendyour data rather than the Indefinite Length Arbitrary Block ProgramData format.– may be specified in decimal, hex (#H), octal (#Q), or binary (#B)formats. DOWNload is done by word (16-bit) access so address must beeven.– Be certain that address specifies a location within the user RAM segmentallocated using DIAG:NRAM:CREate if you are downloading aconfiguration table. DIAG:DOWNload can change the contents of SystemRAM, causing unpredictable results.– This command can also be used to write data to a device with registers inthe A16 address space. See DIAGnostic:DOWNload:SADDress.ParameterNameParameter Type Range of Values DefaultUnits numeric 0 to 16,777,215 (#HFFFFFE) none arbitrary blockprogram dataSee “Parameter Types” none
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