Keysight B2961A/B2962A User’s Guide, Edition 3 6-19Function DetailsMath ExpressionMath ExpressionB2961A/B2962A provides a math function for performing calculations using themeasurement result data. The calculation result can be displayed and used for thetrace statistics.For the predefined math expressions, see “Predefined Math Expressions”.To define a math expression, see Keysight B2961A/B2962A SCPI CommandReference. Math expressions can be defined by using the :CALC:MATH commands.For resources effective for the expression, see “Resources Used in the Expressions”.To use the math function, see “Math Expression dialog box” on page 4-33.To display the calculation result, see “Graph View” on page 4-22 and “MeasureResult dialog box” on page 4-38.Predefined Math ExpressionsThe following math expressions have already been defined in B2961A/B2962A.The predefined math expressions are not cleared by the power off and on operations.• Power (POWER)• Offset Compensated Ohms (OFFCOMPOHM)• Varistor Alpha (VARALPHA)• Voltage Coefficient (VOLTCOEF)In the following formula, [c] specifies the channel (1 or 2) used for themeasurement.POWER Calculates power using the following formula.POWER = VOLT[c] * CURR[c]OFFCOMPOHM Calculates offset compensated ohms (resistance) using the following formula.OFFCOMPOHM = (VOLT[c][1]-VOLT[c][0]) / (CURR[c][1]-CURR[c][0])where, VOLT[c][0] and CURR[c][0] are the data measured with a current outputlevel, and VOLT[c][1] and CURR[c][1] are the data measured with a differentcurrent output level or zero output.