Analogue settingFrequency left/rightHere, you can select one of two sound carriers. For example, in the case of com-mentary channels or film broadcasts in different languages. The setting is madewith the or buttons and the numerical buttons.The initial setting is “7.02 MHz“ and “7.20 MHz“.BandwidthHere, you can select the input bandwidth of the analogue audio receiver, since dif-ferent transponders also have different transmission bandwidths, to which the re-ceiver needs to be tuned.The following settings are possible::130 kHz,180 kHz,280 kHz,300 kHz and400 kHz.The initial setting is “130 kHz“.DNRThe DNR setting here stands for Dynamic Noise Reduction applied to the audiosignal. The effect is similar to that of the Dolby system on cassette recorders. Youcan select either "ACTIVE" or “INACTIVE”.The initial setting is “ACTIVE“.De-emphasisThe de-emphasis compensates for the pre-emphasis on the transmission. Theresultant effect is a type of noise suppression. The setting options are possible50 μs,75 μs,J17 andNO DEEMP.The initial setting “75 μs“.46