ENENDescriptionPage 8 KACO Operating Instructions blueplanet 15.0-20.0 TL33.2.2 Electrical functionsA potential-free relay contact is integrated in the inverter. Use this contact for one of the following functions:Fault signal relayThe potential-free relay contact closes as soon as there is a fault during operation. You use this function, for example,to signal a fault visually or acoustically.PriwattThe energy that is provided by the PV system can be put to use directly by the appliances that are connected in yourhome.The potential-free contact can switch larger appliances (e.g. air conditioning units) on and off with the Priwatt func-tion activated. This requires an external power supply and an external load relay.When the function is active, either the remaining runtime (in hours and minutes) or the shutdown threshold (in kW)is displayed on the start screen depending on the operating mode selected. The Priwatt function is not active in thefactory default setting. The option can be configured in the Settings menu.3.2.3 InterfacesYou configure the interfaces and the web server in the Settings menu.The inverter has the following interfaces for communication and remote monitoring:Ethernet interfaceMonitoring can occur directly on the unit using the integrated Ethernet interface. A local web server is installed inthe unit for this purpose. For monitoring a system comprising several inverters, we recommend you use an externaldata logging and monitoring system.RS485 interfaceIn addition to the monitoring via the Ethernet interface, the monitoring can be executed via the RS485 interface. Formonitoring your PV system using the RS485 interface, KACO new energy GmbH offers monitoring devices.USB interfaceThe USB connection of the inverter is a type A socket. It is located on the connection board on the underside of theinverter under a cover. The USB connection is specified to draw 100 mA of power. Use the USB interface to read outstored operating data and to load software updates using a FAT32-formatted USB stick.“Inverter Off" inputIf Powador protect is installed as a central grid and system protection, the fail-safe disconnection of suitable KACOinverters from the public grid can be initiated by a digital signal instead of interface switches This requires theinverters in the photovoltaic system to be connected to the Powador-protect.If a Powador-protect is used for fast shutdown, it must be used as grid protection. The RS485 interface is notrequired for this.Information on installation and use can be found in this manual, in the Powador protect manual and in the instruc-tions for use of the Powador protect on the KACO website.Digital inputsYou can extend the unit with additional digital inputs by means of an extension module (available from KACO cus-tomer service). This can be used to connect a ripple control receiver or a system protection interface as specified byItalian standard CEI 0-21.