ENENConfiguration and OperationPage 44 KACO Operating Instructions blueplanet 15.0-20.0 TL38.4.2 Web serverThe inverter has an integrated web server. After configuring the network and activating the web server in the Set-tings menu, you can open the web server from an Internet browser. The language version of the website deliveredby the web server is adapted dynamically to the pre-set language preferences in your Internet browser. If your Inter-net browser requests a language that is unknown to the inverter, the web server uses the menu language set in theinverter.Setting up the web serverConfiguring the Ethernet interfaceඣ You have connected the inverter to your network." When using a DHCP server: Activate DHCP." For manual configuration (DHCP off ):1. Open the Settings/Network menu.2. Assign a unique IP address.3. Assign a subnet mask.4. Assign a gateway.5. Assign DNS server.6. Save your settings.Using the web serverTo avoid problems with incompatibility, use the most recent version of your Internet browser. JavaScript must beenabled in the browser settings to display the web server correctly.NOTEYou can also access the web server of the inverter via the Internet. To do this, additional settings ofyour network configuration, particularly your Internet router, are required. Note that communicationwith the inverter is carried out over an unsecured connection, particularly in the case of a connec-tion over the Internet.Calling up the web serverඣ Configure the Ethernet interface.ඣ Connect the Ethernet interface.1. Open an Internet browser.2. In the address field of the Internet browser, enter the IP address of the inverter and open the site.» The Internet browser displays the start screen of the web server.After it has opened, the web server displays information about the inverter as well as the current yield data. The webserver enables the following measurement data and yield data to be displayed:• Feed-in power • Generator power• Status • Generator voltage• Grid power • Unit temperature• Grid voltageIn order to display and export yield data, proceed as follows:Select the display period1. Open the web server.2. Select the display period by choosing either daily view, monthly view, yearly view or overview.