3-30 KLN Series 0220143.5.3 REMOTE CONTROL OF OUTPUT VOLTAGE USING AN ANALOG SIGNALConnect an analog voltage, adjustable from 0 to +10V d-c (corresponding to 0 to rated outputvoltage) between pin 16 (+) and pin 26 (–) of the Programming Control Port. The analog voltagewill control the output only after the function is enabled by setting Constant Voltage control toEXT from the front panel (see PAR. 3.3.39).CAUTION: TO AVOID OVP TRIPPING WHEN THE OUTPUT IS SET TO ON, THE ANALOGPROGRAMMING VOLTAGE MUST NOT EXCEED 10.5V D-C.3.5.4 REMOTE CONTROL OF OUTPUT CURRENT USING AN ANALOG SIGNALConnect an analog voltage, adjustable from 0 to +10V d-c (corresponding to 0 to rated outputcurrent) between pin 18 (+) and pin 26 (–) of the Programming Control Port. The analog voltagewill control the output only after the function is enabled by setting Constant Current control toEXT from the front panel (see PAR. 3.3.40).CAUTION: TO AVOID OCP TRIPPING WHEN THE OUTPUT IS SET TO ON, THE ANALOGPROGRAMMING VOLTAGE MUST NOT EXCEED 10.5V D-C.3.5.5 RECALLING PREVIOUSLY STORED SETTING USING PROGRAMMING CONTROL PORTConnect a switch or relay (dry contactor) across pins 1 and 2 of the Programming Control Port.Each time the pins are shorted together is equivalent to pressing the RCL key (see PAR. 3.3.7).Closures of the switch or relay can be used to select the desired memory cell.3.5.6 MONITORING OUTPUT STATUS USING PROGRAMMING CONTROL PORTThe Programming Control port allows monitoring of output voltage and current, operating mode(CC or CV), power on/off, output on/off and alarm status (occurrence of OVP, OCP, or outputshutdown). MONITOR OUTPUT VOLTAGE OR CURRENTCAUTION: DO NOT ALLOW SHORT BETWEEN PROGRAMMING CONTROL PORT PINS20 (A MONITOR), 22 (V MONITOR) OR 24 (ANALOG COMMON) TO AVOIDDAMAGE TO THE UNIT.Voltage: The analog voltage between 0 to +10V d-c at pin 20, referenced to pin 24, represents 0to the rated voltage of the unit. Accurate within 5% of Voltage display reading. Output resis-tance: approximately 100 Ohms, maximum output current: approximately 10mA.Current: The analog voltage between 0 to +10V d-c at pin 22, referenced to pin 24, represents 0to the rated current of the unit. Accurate within 5% of Current display reading. Output resis-tance: approximately 100 Ohms, maximum output current: approximately 10mA.!!