B-12 KLN Series 022014B.60 SYSTem:KLOCk COMMAND SYST:KLOCSyntax: Short Form: SYST:KLOC { ON | OFF | 1 | 0 } Long Form: SYSTem:KLOCk { ON | OFF | 1 | 0 }Description: Disables front panel keys and encoder. Pressing SHIFT/LOC key on the front panel restoresfunctionality to front panel keys and encoderArgument: or 1 keys are locked. or 0 key are unlocked.Example: SYSTem:KLOCk 1 disables the front panel keys and encoder.B.61 SYSTem:KLOCk? QUERY SYST:KLOC?Syntax: Short Form: SYST:KLOC? Long Form: SYSTem:KLOCk?Description: Indicates whether front panel keys and encoder are enabled or disabled. Returns 1 to indi-cate keys are enabled, 0 to indicated keys are disabled.Return Format: { 1 | 0 }Example: SYSTem:KLOCk? returns 1 (front panel keys and encoder are unlocked).78, “Software OCP” Software overcurrent protection error: The output current exceeds the set OCP value(adjustable manually or remotely) for more than 1 second.79, “AC Fault“ Ac line input abnormal83, “FAN failed” One or more fan failed.84, “D2D Module 3 fault” DC to DC converter module number 3 failed (four modules in 3000W models).85, “D2D Module 4 fault” DC to DC converter module number 4 failed (four modules in 3000W models).-102, “Syntax error” An unrecognized command or data type was encountered; for example, a string wasreceived when the device does not accept strings.-104, “Data type error” The parser recognized a data element different than one allowed; for example, numericor string data was expected but block data was encountered.-109, “Missing parameter” Fewer parameters were received than required for the header; for example, theSYST:BEEP command requires one parameter, so SYST:BEEP is not allowed, whileSYST:BEEP ON is allowed.-221, “Settings confect” Indicates that a legal program data element was parsed but could not be executed dueto the current device state-222, “Data out of range” Indicates that a legal program data element was parsed but could not be executedbecause the interpreted value was outside the legal range as defined by the device.-223, “Too much data” Indicates that a legal program data element of block, expression, or string type wasreceived that contained more data than the device could handle due to memory orrelated device-specific requirements.-224, “Illegal parameter valid” Used where exact value was expected. from a list of possible values.-241, “Hardware missing” Indicates that a legal program command or query could not be executed because ofmissing device hardware; for example, an option was not installed.-313, “Calibration memory lost” Indicates that nonvolatile calibration data used by the *CAL? command has been lost.-430, “Query Deadlocked” Indicates that a condition causing an Deadlocked Query error occurred for example,both input buffer and output buffer are full and the device cannot continue.-440, “Query Unterminated afterindefinite response”Indicates that a query was received in the same program message after a queryrequesting an indefinite response was executed-500 OVP Setting too low The OVP setting value is lower than output setting value. Error code generated butpower unit remains in present condition.-599, “IP conflict” The desired IP address already exists on the network.TABLE B-2. ERROR CODES (CONTINUED)