KLN Series 022014 3-293.4.4 DISCONTINUING PARALLEL OPERATIONTo allow units connected in parallel to function independently, proceed as follows:1. Turn off power to Slaves, then Master.2. Disconnect all parallel connections shown in Figure 2-21.3. If applicable, disconnect Programming Control Port connections shown in Figure 2-23.4. After turning on each unit, set PSOP (Parallel/Series operation) to PM (Parallel Master) inthe Menu (see PAR. 3.3.37).3.5 ANALOG REMOTE MODE PROGRAMMINGThe KLN can be programmed remotely using analog signals applied to the remote Program-ming Control port at the rear panel (see Figure 2-1 and Table 2-4). Analog remote programmingallows the user to 1) control output on/off (PAR. 3.5.1), 2) initiate emergency shutdown of theoutput (PAR. 3.5.2), 3) control output voltage (PAR. 3.5.3) or current (PAR. 3.5.4) and 4) monitorpower supply status (PAR. 3.5.6).3.5.1 REMOTE OUTPUT ON/OFFThe output can be set on or off using the Programming Control port pins 21 and 25 (non-iso-lated). When the pins are shorted the output is on, when they are open the out is off. This can beaccomplished using either an optocoupler or relay. (See Figure 3-7). This feature must first beenabled from the front panel by setting external control of output on/off to ON (see PAR. 3.3.38).Use 5V supply from pins 13 and 14 (isolated) to power optocoupler or relay.3.5.2 REMOTE EMERGENCY SHUTDOWNRemote emergency shutdown of the output can be accomplished using Programming Controlport pins 23 and 25 and either an optocoupler or relay. (See Figure 3-6). When the pins areopen, operation is normal. When they are shorted, the output is immediately set to off, the red(alarm) LED goes on, the unit beeps and error 77 is recorded. This happens regardless ofthe status of output on/off at pin 10 and whether external control of output on/off (see PAR.3.3.38) is enabled or disabled.FIGURE 3-6. REMOTE CONTROL USING PROGRAMMING CONTROL PORT AND OPTOCOUPLER OR RELAYEMERGENCY SHUTDOWNPINS 23 AND 25NOTES:1. Control can be either by optocoupler orrelay.2. Recommended that contacts be posi-tioned as close to pins as possible.CAUTION:Observe proper polarity.!OUTPUT ON/OFFPINS 21 AND 25