135You can record images before and after the occurrence of an eventor motion when recording in the recording control mode(A Page 53).1 Go to [Settings] (A Page 56), and selectAConditionallyB in [Recording Settings]-[Whento store images in database]2 Select AOn motionB or AOn eventB3 Specify the number of seconds in [( )secondspre/post recordings on motion/event]● Images are recorded during the specified time intervalbefore and after an alarm or motion is detected.Memo :● Sequences refers to sequences of images that are recordedwhen an event or motion is detected.● For details on using sequences, refer to [Searching RecordedImage Using Sequence] (A Page 44).Connecting the PTZ camera to the COM port of the networkencoder (VN-E4) enables the PTZ control on the live screen of theNVR Viewer. For details on PTZ camera settings, refer to [PTZCamera Settings (COM1/COM2)] (A Page 88).For cameras that have specified the [JCBP-S] protocol in AP/T/Ztype controlled through COM1/COM2B of [PTZ Camera Settings(COM1/COM2)], control of the iris, focus and camera menu are alsoenabled on the live screen of the NVR Viewer in addition to PTZcontrol.Memo :● A PTZ camera is an analog camera with an analog output thatenables PTZ control via RS-485.1 Press and hold the [FUNCTION] button, andpress the [5] keypad button at the same time● The [Camera Control] screen appears.2 Select the camera you want to control from thecamera selection list, and click the[Connect(ENTER)] button● Camera control is enabled.● The functions of the buttons are described below.Recording Before/AfterOccurrence of Event orMotionStopped StoppedMotion or eventRecords for set time before Records for set time afterSet time Set time1 23PTZ Camera ControlOPERATEREC CONTROLLIVE/BROWSESELECTPTZ/PRESETSERIAL㧝 㧞 㧟 㧠㧡 㧢*1/' 㧣㧥 㧤 CANCEL ZOOM OUT ZOOM IN ENTERWARNINGALARMHDDLOCKSEARCHFUNCTION ALARM CLEARKEY REC/STOP STOP(PB) PLAYSKIPREV FWD[5] Button [FUNCTION] Button2[NVR]