Testing the System10-3Smoke Detector TestAll smoke detectors must be tested monthly bypressing the TEST button located on the detector.If the TEST button does not cause the detector toactivate it must be replaced immediately.Trouble ConditionsCheck or Trouble MessagesDisplay DescriptionCHECK orTRBL(as per field1∗07)This indicates that a problem exists onthe zone number displayed. Zone troublemay be caused by one of the followingconditions:• A hardwired fire zone is open(broken wire).• A Day/Night zone (zone type 5) isfaulted.• A polling loop zone is not seen bythe control panel.• A polling loop zone has beentampered (cover removed on a4190).• A wireless zone has not checked induring the time programmed in field1∗31.• A 5800 Series transmitter has beentampered (cover removed).CHECK 8XXXX = 00-30This indicates a trouble on a peripheraldevice (connected to the panel’s keypadterminals) of the corresponding deviceaddress (00-30).CHECK 9XXXX = 00-99This indicates that a system troubleexists (RF receiver, bell output, etc.).If the problem has been corrected, enter anOFF sequence (Security Code + OFF) twice toclear the display.Power FailureDisplay DescriptionAC LOSSPOWERLED is offThis indicates that the system isoperating on battery power only. Checkto see that the circuit breaker for thebranch circuit that your system’stransformer is wired to has not beenaccidentally turned off. Instruct theuser to call a service representativeimmediately if AC power cannot berestored.Other System MessagesDisplay DescriptionCOMMFAILUREThis indicates that a failure occurred inthe telephone communication portion ofyour system.LO BAT This indicates that a low-batterycondition exists in the wirelesstransmitter displayed. Pressing any keysilences the audible warning sound.SYSTEM LOBATThis indicates that a low-batterycondition exists with the system’s backupbattery.RCVRSETUPERRORThis indicates that the system has morewireless zones programmed than thewireless receiver can support. If this isnot corrected, none of the zones in thesystem will be protected. If additionalwireless zones are desired, use anappropriate receiver.MODEMCOMMThis indicates that the control is on-linewith a remote computer.To the InstallerRegular maintenance and inspection (at least annually)by the installer and frequent testing by the user arevital to continuous satisfactory operation of any alarmsystem.The installer should assume the responsibility ofdeveloping and offering a regular maintenance programto the user as well as acquainting the user with theproper operation and limitations of the alarm systemand its component parts. Recommendations must beincluded for a specific program of frequent testing (atleast weekly) to ensure the system’s proper operation atall times.