VISTA-128BPT/VISTA-250BPT Installation and Setup Guide6-16User Scheduling Menu ModeThe system provides up to 20 “timers” available to the end user to control output devices. The output devices themselvesare programmed into the system by the installer during Output Programming in the #93 Menu Mode. The end userneeds only to know the output device number and its alpha descriptor.The installer may set certain outputs to be “restricted” during Output Programming (this prevents the end user fromcontrolling doors, pumps, bell outputs, etc.)To enter this mode, the user enters User Code + [#] + 83.PROMPT EXPLANATIONOutput Timer # ?01-20, 00=Quit 01Enter the output timer number to be programmed (01-20). Press [∗] to accept entry and move to the nextprompt.Enter 00 to quit and return to normal operating mode.06 07:00P 11:45PPORCH LITE 04If that timer number has already been programmed, a summary screen appears. In this example:06 = Timer #07:00PM = Start Time11:45PM = Stop TimePORCH LITE = Descriptor for Output Device # 404 = Output Device # affected by this timerPress [∗] to continue.06 ENTER OUTPUT#PORCH LITE 04Enter the desired output number (01-96). As the number is entered, the descriptor for that output device isdisplayed.Press [∗] to continue.Entering 00 as the output number deletes the timer (Timer 06, in this example) and displays an outputdescriptor of “None.” Output devices are programmed via #93 Menu Mode.PROMPT EXPLANATION06 ON TIME ?07:00 PMThe cursor is positioned on the tens of hours digit of the ON time. Enter the desired hour. Press [∗] to moveto the minutes field. The minutes are entered in the same manner. The AM/PM indication is toggled byhitting any key from 0-9 while the cursor is under the AM/PM position.Press [∗] to continue.06 OFF TIME ?11:45 PMThe cursor positioned on the tens of hours digit of the OFF time. Enter the desired hour. Press [∗] to moveto the minutes field. The minutes are entered in the same manner. The AM/PM indication is toggled byhitting any key in the 0-9 range while the cursor is under the AM/PM position.Press [∗] to continue.06 DAYS? MTWTFSSHIT 0-7 x xTo select the days to be activated, enter 1-7 (Monday = 1). An “x” appears under that day, indicating theoutput for that day is active. Entering a day’s number again deactivates that day. Pressing 0 toggles alldays on/off.The outputs are in effect only for the days highlighted with the letter “x” under them. As the week progresses,the selected days are reset to the inactive state, unless the permanent option is selected (next screenprompt).When completed, press [∗] to continue.06 Permanent ?0 = NO,1 = YES 0Selecting “Permanent” (1) means that this schedule will be in effect on a continuous basis. Selecting 0means that this schedule will be in effect for one week only. The letter “x” under the day is then cleared, butall other entries for the output device remain programmed.Press [∗] to accept entry.The system quits User Scheduling Mode and returns to normal operating mode.