Section 3 – Installing the Control3-19Installing a Remote KeyswitchA UL-Listed remote keyswitch, such as the ADEMCO 4146, can be used for remote arming/disarming of the burglaryportion of the system and for silencing alarms. The keyswitch can operate in only one particular partition.ULC Remote Arming is not a ULC Listed feature.The keyswitch is wired across zone 7. This zone is no longer available as a protection zone. Be sure to program Zone 7with a response type (e.g., type 10).Operation• A momentary short across zone 7 arms the partition in the AWAY mode, and a short held for more than 10 secondsarms the partition in STAY mode 1. A subsequent short disarms the partition.• The keyswitch LEDs indicate the partition’s status (see table below).• A momentary short across Zone 7 silences alarm bell and keypad sounds, and disarms the system if it was armed. Asubsequent short across Zone 7 clears the alarm memory indication and resets 2-wire smoke detectors (if used).LED IndicationsGreen Red IndicationOn Off Disarmed & ReadyOff Off Disarmed & Not ReadyOff On Steady Armed AwayOff Slow Flash Armed StayOff Rapid Flash Alarm MemoryThe keyswitch reports as user 0, if Open/Close reporting is enabled in field ∗40.Keyswitch Tamper OperationThe tamper switch need not be used for fire or UL Household Burglary installations. For UL Commercial Burglaryinstallations, the tamper switch must be wired to a zone (zone 7 in Figure 3-20).Program that zone for Day Trouble/Night Alarm (response type 5). When the keyswitch is removed from the wall, thetamper switch opens, causing an alarm or trouble on the zone. This also causes the control to disable keyswitchoperation until the tamper is restored and the associated partition is disarmed.Wiring for the Remote KeyswitchTo install the ADEMCO 4146 keyswitch, perform the following steps:Step Action1 Connect the ADEMCO 4146 to the panel as shown in Figure 3-20.2 If you are using the tamper, make sure it is connected to a zone.2K ELOR2K ELORTAMPER SWITCH(CONTACTS CLOSE WHENSWITCH DEPRESSED).LOCK SWITCH(NORMALLY OPEN)+TO J7 / OUT 2TO J7 / OUT 4TO AUX POWER(TERMINAL 6)ZONEZONETO ZONE 7 (+)(TERMINAL 20)YELLOW WHITEGREEN(READY)RED(ARMED)RED BLACK820ohms820ohmsJ7_keyswitchFigure 3-20: Remote Keyswitch Wiring