– 6 –SYSTEM OVERVIEWSYSTEM OVERVIEWSYSTEM OVERVIEWSYSTEM OVERVIEWGeneral Operation• Device activation: Allows you to send “Follow-Me” or e-mail messages, as a result of asystem event such as an alarm or trouble condition. Refer to the DEVICES section fordetailed information.• Scheduling feature: Allows you to schedule the automatic activation or deactivation ofprogram events (e.g. alarm clock, reminder, and latch key). Refer to the SCHEDULESsection for detailed information.ZonesYour system's sensing devices have been assigned to various "zones." For example, thesensing device on your entry/exit door may have been assigned to zone 01, sensing devices onwindows in the master bedroom to zone 02, and so on. These numbers appear on the displaywhen an alarm or trouble condition occurs.Fire ProtectionThe fire protection portion of your security system (if used) is always active and will soundan alarm if a fire condition is detected. Refer to the FIRE ALARM SYSTEM section forimportant information concerning fire protection, smoke detectors and planning emergencyexit routes from the premises.Carbon MonoxideThe carbon monoxide (CO) portion of your security system (if used) is always active and willsound an alarm if a CO condition is detected. Refer to the FIRE ALARM SYSTEM section formore information.Burglary ProtectionYour system provides two modes of burglary protection: STAY and AWAY. STAY modeprotects the perimeter only, allowing you to freely move inside the premises. AWAY modeprotects the entire system. Both modes provide an entry delay time that allows you toreenter the premises without setting off an alarm. For additional security, you can turn theentry delay off when arming the system. Refer to the ARMING THE SYSTEM section. Thesystem also allows you to bypass selected zones before arming the system, if desired. Refer tothe BYPASSING PROTECTION ZONES section. The system also provides a CHIME mode,for alerting users to the opening of protected doors and windows while the system isdisarmed.You must arm the burglary protection portion of your system before it will sense burglaryalarms. Refer to the ARMING THE SYSTEM section for detailed procedures andinformation.