Excel 800 LION79 EN1B-0375GE51 R0308Modem Set-upStandard Modem BehaviorIf no special modem behavior is required, there is no needto set up or initialize the modem/ISDN terminal adapter.The CLLIONLC01 will automatically• detect the device (MMI or modem) attached to themodem interface,• set the appropriate communication speed,• adapt to alphanumeric return codes used by themodem.This automatic detection and adjustment can take up to5 seconds.NoteIt is highly recommended to use a state-of-the-art modemand leave it in its factory settings.Automatic Baudrate SynchronizationThe default communication speed between theCLLIONLC01 and the local modem/ISDN terminal adapter is9600 baud.The communication speed between the modem andterminal adapter and the central's modems/ISDN terminaladapters is automatically synchronized by the two devicesto the highest speed that both of the devices are capable of.This feature is called auto-bauding and is a feature that allstate-of-the-art-modems/ISDN terminal adapters providewhen left in their factory default settings.The communication speed between the central and itsmodem/ISDN terminal adapter is part of the modem set-upat the central.Auto / Manual Answer DetectionThe CLLIONLC01 will automatically detect whether themodem/ISDN terminal adapter is initialized in auto-answeror manu-answer mode, and it will set the modem to manualanswer mode (S0 = 0).Resetting the ModemFor those cases where it is not clear if the modem to beused is in its factory settings, the modem can be reset to itsfactory setting by using the RESET MODEM command inthe start-up sequence or through the HW configuration partof the system info. sequence on the MMI. This will allow aquick and easy modem reset without the need to run themodem set-up software or the Windows™ terminal program.The RESET MODEM command causes the followingcommands to be sent to the modem:1. ATZexecutes hardware reset on modem2. AT&FX3&Wresets modem to factory configuration settings, configuresthe modem not to wait for the public phone system dial tone,and writes this to nonvolatile memory.Set-up for Special Modem BehaviorIf special modem/ISDN terminal adapter behavior isrequired, the communication device should be set upaccording to the instructions provided with it. This typicallyinvolves running a setup program on a computer with thedevice connected to the computer serial port or using theWindows™ terminal program.Set-up for In-house Telephone SystemsA common case of special modem behavior is when themodem is connected to an in-house telephone networkrequiring a prefix to be dialed before the destination numberto provide access to the public telephone network.There are two important aspects of the special initializationof the modem to consider:• Do not wait for the public network dial tone.– Typically the init command ATX3 will trigger themodem to dial without waiting for a public network dialtone.– Save this modem set-up in the modem EEPROM withthe command AT&W.– Check the modem handbook to verify the correctcommands.– Note that these commands are executed automaticallywith the RESET MODEM command.• Add the prefix required for access to the public telephonenetwork to the destination telephone number.– Depending on the in-house telephone system, acertain prefix may have to be added to the destinationnumber in the central system configuration/sitedefinition screen prior to sending the set-up to theremote CLLIONLC01 Controller.Set-up for Limited Communication SpeedThe communication speed of the modem can be fixed to alower rate in case of data transmission errors due to tele-phone line limitations. See the XI581/582 Buswide OperatorInterface User Guide (EN2B-0126GE51) for the procedurefor fixing the baud rate.