EXCEL CARE CONTROL ICONS ALPHABETIC REFERENCE73 74-5577–33 (US)EN2B-0184 GE51 R0518 (Europe)ENHANCED PIDFunction Standard PID function with additional features such as built-in start-up ramp, direct-reverse action selection, integral recalculation to prevent windup belowminimum/above maximum, and an auxiliary input for limit applications and integralreset.The following diagram compares the system response characteristics of the PIDversus the EPID.I/O Dialog BoxInputs Inp = input valueSPt = setpointEna = enableSRT = start ramp timeOSV = output start valueAux = auxiliary inputWhen the enable input (Ena) is turned on, the EPID output starts at the desiredoutput start value (OSV) and changes slowly as needed to bring the controlledvariable (Inp) to its setpoint (SPt). Start-up ramp time (SRT) controls the rate ofchange of the output during the start-up period. Specifically, SRT is the minimumamount of time it takes for the output to go from the output start value to either 0 or100 percent. The auxiliary input (Aux) is primarily intended for applications whereEPID is used for high or low limit applications.When the enable input is off, the EPID output is set to the OSV.