ALPHABETIC REFERENCE EXCEL CARE CONTROL ICONS74-5577–33 (US) 110EN2B-0184 GE51 R0518 (Europe)Automatic Load Switch-On after Maximum OFF Time ExpirationSome electrical loads such as refrigerators or cold-storage houses cannot beswitched off for long periods of time or the plants or goods in them may sustaindamage. For these loads, Parameter P12 (maximum OFF time) sets a limit timevalue. Each time an XFM 36-1/S/R switches off the load, a timer starts to measurethe time the load is OFF. If the timer exceeds the maximum OFF time (ParameterP12), XFM 36-1/S/R switches on the load for the minimum ON time duration(Parameter P10). The peak load and shutdown functions have absolute priority andcan prevent the XFM 36-1/S/R from switching on the unit after exceeding themaximum OFF time.Display Parameter P7 indicates the expiration of maximum OFF time. Automaticload switch-on after the expiration of Maximum OFF Time sets P7 to 1. Otherwise,P7 is set to 0. When the Maximum OFF time is exceeded,, the load switches onand display Parameter P5 indicates that the minimum ON time (P5 = 1), function isnow active.After the minimum ON time, the load will turn OFF (assuming that the powerdemand system still wants it shed.)