EXCEL CARE CONTROL ICONS ALPHABETIC REFERENCE115 74-5577–33 (US)EN2B-0184 GE51 R0518 (Europe)• The XFM 36-1/S is in automatic operating mode (Parameter P13 = 0).• Parameter P15/16/17 in XFM 35 is 0 and the corresponding user addressID___Rotating_P1/2/3 is 0.(ID___Rotating_P1/P2/P3 is not required for groupswith XFM 361S.)• The power value at the first input Po of the XFM 36-1/S is negative.• The value of the user address IA___On_Index_P1/2/3 is equal to the XFM 36-1/Sload number set in P14 (for example, XFM 36-1/S is in the second priority group;the value of IA___On_Index_P2 is 7; and the load number Parameter P14 is 7).• The minimum ON time (Parameter P10 of the XFM 36-1/S) has expired.The following table lists the parameters used for sequential switching:ParameterNumberType Description SettingRangeDefaultValueUnit10 Comm. Minimum ON Time 0-300 60 sec11 Comm. Minimum OFF Time 0-400 60 sec13 Comm. Mode of Operation0=Auto1=ON2=OFF0/1/2 0 Integer14 Progr. Load Number (Priority Rank within a Group)(highest number is shed first)1-50 1 Integer15 Progr. Power of the Load 0-1000 1000 kW16 Progr. Feedback_Op_Mode 0/1/2 2 IntegerXFM 36-1/R Rotational Load SwitchingIn rotational mode, each load in a priority group is switched ON or OFF dependingon the amount of time the load has been OFF or ON, respectively. The load that hasbeen OFF the longest is turned ON first. The load that has been ON the longest isturned OFF first. Excluding the effects of the Maximum Off Time function, the RMinput and manual override on the loads, shed and restore action resembles truerotational or circular action as pictured below.You select the rotational mode of load switching in each priority group by settingParameters P15 (for Group 1), P16 (for Group 2) and P17 (for Group 3) in XFM 35to one. XFM 35 passes these parameters to each XFM 36-1 via the correspondinguser addresses ID___Rotating_P1, ID___Rotating_P2, and ID___Rotating_P3. Theuser address is not required if only XFM 36-1R is used in the priority group.