IJ40-0012-974127762B/B11/24/200697ReportsPress to return to the REGISTERS screen.To return to SUPERVISOR screen press twice.15.3 Setting the Report DestinationFrom the SETUP screen select REPORT ON and press toconfirm, the following screen will be observed:Using the and keys, or the appropriate number key,move the cursor to make a selection and press to confirm.Or, to return to the SETUP screen with the print destination unchangedpress .15.4 Printing with External PrinterBefore proceeding to print registers using an external printerensure that the printer lead is connected to the Upper AccessoryPort at the back of the machine, (please refer to "Controls andFeatures") and that the printer power lead is connected to anadjacent power outlet.Set the printer to ON and the status to ONLINE.From your selected registers screen, press , the WAITscreen will now be observed:After a short period of time, the screen will return to DEPARTMENTREGISTERS and the registers will have been printed.REPORT ON1 LABEL2 EXTERNAL PRINTERESCAPE OK