74IJ40-0012-744127762B/B11/24/2006Memory functions13. MEMORY FUNCTIONSFrequently used print combinations may be pre-programmed as amemory function, five preset memory slots are available for selection.13.1 Saving a Memory FunctionSetup your preferred print combination, then press about 5 se-conds the key, the following screen will now be observed:Select the Job Memory in which you wish to save your program. Ifyou want to enter a name, press EDIT . You will then beprompted to enter a name for your Job MemoryUse the , and keys to move the cursor to thecharacter to be defined.The key is used to confirm selection and move the cursor tothe next character.To delete a character press .To enter a number in the Memory Name, use the numeric keypad.To return to the previous screen with the Memory Name unchangedpress .To confirm your entry, press .This operation will overwrite the previous memory setting.Press SAVE to confirm.To return to Ready Mode press ESCAPE .MEMORY SAVE1 M12 M23 M34 M45 M5ESCAPE SAVEEDITA B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S TU V W X Y Z - # & £ / + $ . ? €NEXTMEMORY NAME