56IJ40-0012-564127762B/B11/24/2006Maintaining print quality9. MAINTAINING PRINT QUALITYUnder normal operating conditions, your WJ 65/95/110 postagemeter will produce excellent quality prints.However, if lines are missing from the stamp or the machine hasremained unused for several days it will be necessary to clean theInk Cartridge.9.1 Cleaning the Ink CartridgeFrom Ready Mode, press the key, the MAIN MENU screen willnow be observed:Using the and keys, or the appropriate number key,move the cursor to CARTRIDGE and press to confirm.The CARTRIDGE menu will now be observed:Select the CLEAN option from the list and press to start thecleaning cycle.On completion of the cleaning cycle the screen will revert to theCARTRIDGE menu.You may now make a test print.CARTRIDGE1 TEST PRINT2 CLEAN3 REMOVEESCAPE OKMAIN MENU1 REGISTERS2 CARTRIDGE3 SUPERVISOR4 CLEAR MAIL PATH5 W EIGHING MODE Diffe re ntia lOKESCAPE