44IJ40-0012-444127762B/B11/24/2006Printing with weigh platformHOW DO I CALCULATE THE CORRECT POSTAGE ANDRATE?To change the RATE setting press , the RATES screen willbe observed:A list of Postage Rates currently available will now be displayed.To return to the previous screen with Rate setting unchanged,press .Using the and keys, or the appropriate number key,select required Rate option from list, (e.g. 8 Global Pr LargeEnvelope) press to confirm.The following typical screen will now be observed:1 1st Cla ss/Priority2 Priority Fla t3 Ex pre ss PO-Addr4 Pa rce l Post5 Post Ca rdSELECTRATESESCAPERATES6 BPM Flat7 Int Air Le tter8 Globa l P r Large Env9 Globa l P r S ma ll Env10 Globa l P r by W eighES CAPE S ELECT1 RATE Globa l Pr La rge Env2 FORM AT Le tte r3 SERV ICE NONE0.0 0zW EIGH PLATFORMMODIFYACCEPT