46IJ40-0012-464127762B/B11/24/2006Printing with weigh platformIf you wish to accept the Postage displayed, press to returnto Ready Mode with the postage value displayed.YOU ARE NOW READY TO PRINT POSTAGE ATTHE CORRECT POSTAGE VALUEIf you wish to reject the Postage displayed, press , you willbe returned to the RATES screen where you may revise yoursettings.To weigh further items repeat the procedure.6.2 Tare Function1. Press: .2. Place an empty container on the platform.3. Press: , zero weight will now be displayed.4. Place the filled container on the platform. The weightnow displayed will be thatof the contents of the container.5. To return to normal use, clear the scale platform andpress the displayed weight will return to 0g.6.3 Using differential weighing (optional)- In USER MODE, press MENU;- Select "WEIGHING MODE" by pressing 5 or and, and press OK ; the following screen isdisplayed: