104IJ40-0012-1044127762B/B11/24/2006Ordering supplies19. CONTACT INFORMATIONHasler®, Inc.19 Forest ParkwayShelton, CT 06484-6140www.haslerinc.comCustomer Service Customer Care1-800-446-6027Call for customer service or for your local dealer telephone numberfor technical support. The Customer Service Helpdesk can alsodirest you on where to obtain supllies for your Hasler mailingsystem.TMS® Automated Account Information1-800-248-8013Call to check Account Balance, or other account information viatouch-tone telephone. You can also talk to a customer servicerepresentative using this number.TMS® Automated Account Information Online(1) www.infonowonline.com or (2) www.haslerinc.com and selectPostage Accounts (TMS).An online site that can answer all your details regarding yourAccount Balance (includes the current balance, the availablebalance and any unpaid advances), You can also receive informa-tion on holiday schedules, meter operating guides, liscensingforms, payment addresses, and customized TMS Bank Accountstatements.TMS® Modem Telephone Number1-800-446-6029Modem telephone number set up in meter