Dolphin® 9500 Series User’s Guide A - 5Alpha Mode Key CombinationsThe 35-key keyboard defaults to numeric mode. To switch to alpha mode, press the ALPHA key once. In alpha mode, when youpress a number key, you type the letter indicated by the alpha lock indicators over the key.Please note that when typing in alpha mode, you must use the same multi-press method you would use when typing letters ona phone keypad. Each key press will type the next letter in the sequence as displayed by the alpha lock indicators over thenumber keys.Key/Key Combination Function/Special CharacterPress the ALPA key only once to switch to alpha mode.ALPHA + 1 When you press 1 repeatedly, the 1 keyproduces the following characters in thefollowing sequence:. , ‘ ? ! -ALPHA + SFT + 1 ! < >ALPHA + SFT + 2 @ALPHA + SFT + 3 #ALPHA + SFT + 4 $ALPHA + SFT + 5 %ALPHA + SFT + 6 ^ALPHA + SFT + 7 &ALPHA + SFT + 8 *ALPHA + SFT + 9 (ALPHA + SFT + 0 )