12 - 10 Dolphin® 9500 Series User’s Guide5. Under When cradled, select Enable PC sync using this connection, and select ‘115200 Default from the drop-down list.‘115200 baud is recommended for RS-232 communication.6. Tap OK.7. Place the Dolphin in the HomeBase. The terminal attempts to start an ActiveSync connection with the desktop computerautomatically.Setting up the Desktop Computer for ActiveSync CommunicationsActiveSync must be installed and configured for RS-232 on the desktop computer to sync successfully with a Dolphin terminalconfigured for RS-232 communication.The following graphic displays the correct ActiveSync Connection Settings on the desktop computer for an RS-232 connection.Note: You can have the USB connection box checked in addition to the serial cable box without affecting processing. However,you would most likely use one or the other.Verifying CommunicationYou can verify that the USB driver is functioning by watching the COMM LED on the USB HomeBase. When the COMM LEDilluminates solid green, the HomeBase is communicating with the host device.Verifying Data TransferThe COMM LED flashes when data is being transferred via the HomeBase. For an RS-232 connection, the COMM LED flashesred and green. For a USB connection, the COMM LED flashes green.